Produkt zum Begriff Iterative Anpassung:
Managing Iterative Software Development Projects
The Practical, Start-to-Finish Guide to Planning and Leading Iterative Software Projects Iterative processes have gained widespread acceptance because they help software developers reduce risk and cost, manage change, improve productivity, and deliver more effective, timely solutions. But conventional project management techniques don’t work well in iterative projects, and newer iterative management techniques have been poorly documented. Managing Iterative Software Development Projects is the solution: a relentlessly practical guide to planning, organizing, estimating, staffing, and managing any iterative project, from start to finish. Leading iterative development experts Kurt Bittner and Ian Spence introduce a proven, scalable approach that improves both agility and control at the same time, satisfying the needs of developers, managers, and the business alike. Their techniques are easy to understand, and easy to use with any iterative methodology, from Rational Unified Process to Extreme Programming to the Microsoft Solutions Framework. Whatever your role–team leader, program manager, project manager, developer, sponsor, or user representative–this book will help you Understand the key drivers of success in iterative projects Leverage “time boxing” to define project lifecycles and measure resultsUse Unified Process phases to facilitate controlled iterative development Master core concepts of iterative project management, including layering and evolutionCreate project roadmaps, including release plansDiscover key patterns of risk management, estimation, organization, and iteration planning Understand what must be controlled centrally, and what you can safely delegateTransition smoothly to iterative processesScale iterative project management from the smallest to the largest projectsAlign software investments with the needs of the business Whether you are interested in software development using RUP, OpenUP, or other agile processes, this book will help you reduce the anxiety and cost associated with software improvement by providing an easy, non-intrusive path toward improved results–without overwhelming you and your team.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Games, Design and Play: A detailed approach to iterative game design
The play-focused, step-by-step guide to creating great game designsThis book offers a play-focused, process-oriented approach for designing games people will love to play. Drawing on a combined 35 years of design and teaching experience, Colleen Macklin and John Sharp link the concepts and elements of play to the practical tasks of game design. Using full-color examples, they reveal how real game designers think and work, and illuminate the amazing expressive potential of great game design.Focusing on practical details, this book guides you from idea to prototype to playtest and fully realized design. You’ll walk through conceiving and creating a game’s inner workings, including its core actions, themes, and especially its play experience. Step by step, you’ll assemble every component of your “videogame,” creating practically every kind of play: from cooperative to competitive, from chance-based to role-playing, and everything in between.Macklin and Sharp believe that games are for everyone, and game design is an exciting art form with a nearly unlimited array of styles, forms, and messages. Cutting across traditional platform and genre boundaries, they help you find inspiration wherever it exists.Games, Design and Play is for all game design students, and for beginning-to-intermediate-level game professionals, especially independent game designers. Bridging the gaps between imagination and production, it will help you craft outstanding designs for incredible play experiences!Coverage includes:Understanding core elements of play design: actions, goals, rules, objects, playspace, and playersMastering “tools” such as constraint, interaction, goals, challenges, strategy, chance, decision, storytelling, and contextComparing types of play and player experiencesConsidering the demands videogames make on playersEstablishing a game’s design valuesCreating design documents, schematics, and tracking spreadsheetsCollaborating in teams on a shared design visionBrainstorming and conceptualizing designsUsing prototypes to realize and playtest designsImproving designs by making the most of playtesting feedbackKnowing when a design is ready for productionLearning the rules so you can break them!
Preis: 44.93 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Personal isierte Metall medaillen anpassung, Anpassung der Landschafts charakter medaille,
Personal isierte Metall medaillen anpassung, Anpassung der Landschafts charakter medaille,
Preis: 1.19 € | Versand*: 5.62 € -
Günstiger Baggerbagger Kleinbagger Micro Compact Minibagger 2-Tonnen-Bagger-Anpassung zum Verkauf
Günstiger Baggerbagger Kleinbagger Micro Compact Minibagger 2-Tonnen-Bagger-Anpassung zum Verkauf
Preis: 2730.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind einige effektive Strategien zur Anpassung an neue Situationen?
Ein offener und flexibler Geist hilft dabei, neue Situationen anzunehmen und sich anzupassen. Sich selbst reflektieren und die eigenen Stärken und Schwächen erkennen, um gezielt daran zu arbeiten. Sich Unterstützung von anderen holen und um Rat fragen, um verschiedene Perspektiven und Lösungsansätze zu erhalten.
Was sind einige grundlegende Strategien für die Anpassung an sich verändernde Arbeitsanforderungen?
1. Regelmäßige Weiterbildung und lebenslanges Lernen, um mit neuen Technologien und Arbeitsmethoden Schritt zu halten. 2. Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit, um sich schnell auf neue Aufgaben und Anforderungen einzustellen. 3. Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen und Vorgesetzten, um gemeinsam Lösungen für veränderte Arbeitsanforderungen zu finden.
Wie kann der iterative Ansatz in der Softwareentwicklung effektiv angewendet werden, um die Produktivität und Qualität zu steigern?
Der iterative Ansatz in der Softwareentwicklung beinhaltet das Aufteilen des Projekts in kleinere Teilaufgaben, die in kurzen Iterationen abgearbeitet werden. Durch regelmäßige Überprüfung und Anpassung der Ziele und Anforderungen können Probleme frühzeitig erkannt und behoben werden. Dies führt zu einer Steigerung der Produktivität und Qualität, da Fehler schneller korrigiert werden können und das Endprodukt besser den Anforderungen entspricht.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Flexibilität und Anpassung?
Flexibilität bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, sich schnell und effektiv an neue Situationen anzupassen und verschiedene Lösungsansätze zu finden. Anpassung hingegen bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, sich langfristig an veränderte Bedingungen anzupassen und sich auf neue Anforderungen einzustellen. Während Flexibilität eher kurzfristig und situativ ist, ist Anpassung eher langfristig und strategisch ausgerichtet.
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Dac1541 Chassis Anpassung
Preis: 136.39 € | Versand*: 234.31 € -
Managing Iterative Software Development Projects
The Practical, Start-to-Finish Guide to Planning and Leading Iterative Software Projects Iterative processes have gained widespread acceptance because they help software developers reduce risk and cost, manage change, improve productivity, and deliver more effective, timely solutions. But conventional project management techniques don’t work well in iterative projects, and newer iterative management techniques have been poorly documented. Managing Iterative Software Development Projects is the solution: a relentlessly practical guide to planning, organizing, estimating, staffing, and managing any iterative project, from start to finish. Leading iterative development experts Kurt Bittner and Ian Spence introduce a proven, scalable approach that improves both agility and control at the same time, satisfying the needs of developers, managers, and the business alike. Their techniques are easy to understand, and easy to use with any iterative methodology, from Rational Unified Process to Extreme Programming to the Microsoft Solutions Framework. Whatever your role—team leader, program manager, project manager, developer, sponsor, or user representative—this book will help you Understand the key drivers of success in iterative projects Leverage “time boxing” to define project lifecycles and measure results Use Unified Process phases to facilitate controlled iterative development Master core concepts of iterative project management, including layering and evolution Create project roadmaps, including release plans Discover key patterns of risk management, estimation, organization, and iteration planning Understand what must be controlled centrally, and what you can safely delegate Transition smoothly to iterative processes Scale iterative project management from the smallest to the largest projects Align software investments with the needs of the business Whether you are interested in software development using RUP, OpenUP, or other agile processes, this book will help you reduce the anxiety and cost associated with software improvement by providing an easy, non-intrusive path toward improved results—without overwhelming you and your team.
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Games, Design and Play: A detailed approach to iterative game design
The play-focused, step-by-step guide to creating great game designs This book offers a play-focused, process-oriented approach for designing games people will love to play. Drawing on a combined 35 years of design and teaching experience, Colleen Macklin and John Sharp link the concepts and elements of play to the practical tasks of game design. Using full-color examples, they reveal how real game designers think and work, and illuminate the amazing expressive potential of great game design. Focusing on practical details, this book guides you from idea to prototype to playtest and fully realized design. You’ll walk through conceiving and creating a game’s inner workings, including its core actions, themes, and especially its play experience. Step by step, you’ll assemble every component of your “videogame,” creating practically every kind of play: from cooperative to competitive, from chance-based to role-playing, and everything in between. Macklin and Sharp believe that games are for everyone, and game design is an exciting art form with a nearly unlimited array of styles, forms, and messages. Cutting across traditional platform and genre boundaries, they help you find inspiration wherever it exists. Games, Design and Play is for all game design students, and for beginning-to-intermediate-level game professionals, especially independent game designers. Bridging the gaps between imagination and production, it will help you craft outstanding designs for incredible play experiences! Coverage includes:Understanding core elements of play design: actions, goals, rules, objects, playspace, and playersMastering “tools” such as constraint, interaction, goals, challenges, strategy, chance, decision, storytelling, and contextComparing types of play and player experiencesConsidering the demands videogames make on playersEstablishing a game’s design valuesCreating design documents, schematics, and tracking spreadsheetsCollaborating in teams on a shared design visionBrainstorming and conceptualizing designsUsing prototypes to realize and playtest designsImproving designs by making the most of playtesting feedbackKnowing when a design is ready for productionLearning the rules so you can break them!
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Games, Design and Play: A detailed approach to iterative game design
The play-focused, step-by-step guide to creating great game designs This book offers a play-focused, process-oriented approach for designing games people will love to play. Drawing on a combined 35 years of design and teaching experience, Colleen Macklin and John Sharp link the concepts and elements of play to the practical tasks of game design. Using full-color examples, they reveal how real game designers think and work, and illuminate the amazing expressive potential of great game design. Focusing on practical details, this book guides you from idea to prototype to playtest and fully realized design. You’ll walk through conceiving and creating a game’s inner workings, including its core actions, themes, and especially its play experience. Step by step, you’ll assemble every component of your “videogame,” creating practically every kind of play: from cooperative to competitive, from chance-based to role-playing, and everything in between. Macklin and Sharp believe that games are for everyone, and game design is an exciting art form with a nearly unlimited array of styles, forms, and messages. Cutting across traditional platform and genre boundaries, they help you find inspiration wherever it exists. Games, Design and Play is for all game design students, and for beginning-to-intermediate-level game professionals, especially independent game designers. Bridging the gaps between imagination and production, it will help you craft outstanding designs for incredible play experiences! Coverage includes:Understanding core elements of play design: actions, goals, rules, objects, playspace, and playersMastering “tools” such as constraint, interaction, goals, challenges, strategy, chance, decision, storytelling, and contextComparing types of play and player experiencesConsidering the demands videogames make on playersEstablishing a game’s design valuesCreating design documents, schematics, and tracking spreadsheetsCollaborating in teams on a shared design visionBrainstorming and conceptualizing designsUsing prototypes to realize and playtest designsImproving designs by making the most of playtesting feedbackKnowing when a design is ready for productionLearning the rules so you can break them!
Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie können Rückenschnürungen bei der Anpassung von Kleidungsstücken helfen?
Rückenschnürungen ermöglichen eine individuelle Anpassung der Passform an verschiedene Körpergrößen und -formen. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit, die Taillenweite flexibel zu regulieren und somit eine optimale Passform zu gewährleisten. Durch die Schnürungen kann die Kleidung auch bei Gewichtsschwankungen angepasst werden.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Verkauf und Vertrieb?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Verkauf und Vertrieb? Verkauf bezieht sich auf den direkten Austausch von Waren oder Dienstleistungen gegen Geld mit einem Kunden. Vertrieb hingegen umfasst den gesamten Prozess, der dazu dient, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen an den Kunden zu bringen, einschließlich Marketing, Verkauf, Kundenservice und Logistik. Während Verkauf also eher auf den Abschluss eines einzelnen Geschäfts fokussiert ist, konzentriert sich der Vertrieb auf die langfristige Beziehungspflege mit Kunden und die Steigerung der Umsätze über verschiedene Kanäle. Letztendlich kann man sagen, dass Verkauf ein Teil des Vertriebs ist, der wiederum ein umfassenderer Begriff ist, der alle Aktivitäten umfasst, die zur Gewinnung und Bindung von Kunden beitragen.
"Wie wird eine Schneiderpuppe zur Anpassung von Kleidungsstücken verwendet?"
Eine Schneiderpuppe wird entsprechend den Maßen der Person eingestellt, für die das Kleidungsstück angepasst werden soll. Anschließend wird das Kleidungsstück auf der Puppe angebracht und angepasst, um die Passform zu überprüfen. Auf diese Weise können Änderungen vorgenommen werden, bevor das Kleidungsstück der Person angepasst wird.
Wie funktioniert die Anpassung des Augapfels an verschiedene Entfernungen?
Der Augapfel passt sich an verschiedene Entfernungen an, indem sich die Linse verformt, um das Licht so zu brechen, dass es auf der Netzhaut fokussiert wird. Dieser Vorgang wird als Akkommodation bezeichnet. Die Muskeln um die Linse herum kontrahieren oder entspannen sich, um die Form der Linse zu verändern und die Sehschärfe anzupassen.
* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.